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The story from our recent workshop: Chemistry Games

Pudak Scientific recently has organized a Chemisty workshop for teachers on the Elementary School to High School levels. The "Chemistry Games: The Joy of Learning" workshop was held on November, 10 2012, lead by Dr. Yunita, M.Pd.

Workshop participants came from several schools in West Java Province: SMAN 1 Cikalong Wetan, SMKN 1 Sumedang, SMP Kristen Yahya Kota Bandung, SMA Binaul Ummah Kuningan, SMK Merdeka Bandung, SMKN 1 Plered Purwakarta, MAN 1 Kota Bandung, SMP IT Bina Insan Unggul Bandung, MA Darul Muttaqien Bogor, SMKN 2 Garut, SD Global Prestasi Bekasi, SMA Santo Aloysius Bandung, dan SMA Insan Cendekia Al Kausar Sukabumi. There was also a participant from DKI Jakarta: SMP Al-Jannah Eastern Jakarta.

Ms. Yunita demonstrated several interesting chemistry games and explained the use of games in teaching chemistry to students. Teaching chemistry using games makes students love to learn and the topics that they are studying becoms easier to understand.

Chemistry games demonstrated for teaching on Junior and Senior High School levels were:

  1. Temperature cooling experiment using barium hydroxide and ammonium chloride.
  2. Natrium action experiment.
  3. "The return of white color" experiment using hychloric acid, natrium hydroxide and fenolptalein solution.
  4. Whisky becomes water experiment.
  5. Soda experiment.
  6. Black monument experiment using sugar, water and concentrated sulfuric acid.
  7. Fading flower experiment using bleach and hydrochloric acid.
  8. Chemistry cannon experiment using ethanol, hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate.
  9. Magic balloon blower experiment.
  10. Fire in the water experiment.

For chemistry teaching on Elementary School level, Ms Yunita performed:

  1. No spill water experiment.
  2. Candle experiment.
  3. Automatic off candle experiment.
  4. Water density experiment.
  5. Easy way cutting experiment.
  6. Eggshell experiment.
  7. How to distinguish uncooked and undercooked eggs.
  8. Inserting egg into a bottle experiment.

All participants in each group were given the chance to make a disscussion and present their experiment results. They were very enthusiastic because teaching chemistry using games makes students love to learn and enhance the interaction among teachers and students.

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